For your holiday in Palinuro, the house you are looking for – Cilento.

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Palinuro speaks for itself.

Here are a selection of articles published in major newspapers of the merits and beauty of the crystal clear, clean waters around Palinuro and Cilento in general.

Cilento: 11 bandiere blu.

Tgcom24 11 bandiere blu - 08/12/2013Source – Mediaset TGCOM 24

Date – 08 December 2013

The most beautiful beaches of the coast
By – U. Lacatena

Click on the image to read the article.

Cilento continues to shine with quality beaches and sea.

105 tv - Cilento continues to shine with quality beaches and sea - 08/06/2013Source – 105 TV

Date – 08 June 2013

Dall’altra vacanza “mordi e fuggi”
By – Antonietta Nicodemo

Click on the image to read the article.

The coveted Bandiera blu prize was awarded in 13 localities in Campania, Cilento, Annacapri and Massa Lubrense.

Il Mattino - Bandiera Blu - 14/05/2013Source – Il Mattino

Date – 14 May 2013

Reconfirmed in 2012  Eleven places in the area of Salernitano.  In the rest of Italy the situation is improving

Click on the image to read the article.

Bandiere Blu, cresce il Sud: premiato il Cilento con 9 spiagge.

Il Denaro - Bandiere Blu, cresce il Sud - 15/05/2012Source – Il Denaro

Date – 15 May 2012

The sea of Italy is increasingly attracting awards for it’s high quality and cleanness
Di – Redazione Il Denaro

Click on the image to read the article.

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