For your holiday in Palinuro, the house you are looking for – Cilento.

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Read all guest reviews of Palinuro Holiday House on our Facebook page and

Fantastic place to spend a relaxing holiday. Sea nice and comfortable, very close with private access. Staff friendly and helpful; us, family of 4, we had a wonderful holiday.”

Residence quiet, scenic, clean. All right. The only drawback: Neither the announcement nor the telephone calls that occurred was clear that the sea below the house is all rocky. There are sandy beaches, but access to the sea and ‘all of the rocks. In the presence of rough seas and ‘impossible to enter and exit the water without getting hurt.”

Special exhibition: all the houses are on the sea! The mine, in particular, with sea view even allowed to listen to the sound of the waves. Then very close to the center of Palinuro, in walking distance! “

Fantastic place to spend a relaxing holiday. Sea nice and comfortable, very close with private access. Staff friendly and helpful; us, family of 4, we had a wonderful holiday.”

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