For your holiday in Palinuro, the house you are looking for – Cilento.

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Video Palinuro

Palinuro stays in your heart.

Sun, beach, crystal clear water,  enchanting grottos. A unique spectacle of nature that will take your breath away as you will see in the video.


A corner of paradise.

Palinuro (SA) June 2013

Published on  29/jun./2013
Video and photos of Palinuro (Salerno) sea and beautiful weather and recommended places to visit

Palinuro – Cu mme

Produced 11/Jul./2009
A magnificent excursion on the Cilento coast around the Palinuro headland discovering places which echo with uncountable legends. A beautiful crystal clear sea that charms…

Palinuro the video (part 1/2)

The beach of Palinuro, close to Centola, in the region of Salerno. Italy
Saline, Marinella, Buon dormire… Isola del Coniglio (isle of rabbits)!
The first of two parts.

Palinuro the video (part 2/2)

The beach of Palinuro, close to Centola, in the region of Salerno. Italy
Boat trip, Saline, Marinella, Buon Dormire, Isola di coniglio (isle of rabbits) Blue, Grotto (Grotta Azzurra)
The second of two parts.

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